Doubts can persist, and you may find yourself wondering if an addict is still sober or has relapsed. The following six signs are pretty good indicators that he is still doing what he learned while in rehab.
He is being responsible. He goes to work, he stays for his entire shift, and he takes care of his errands. He is paying bills, and they’re being paid on time. There are no shutoff notices or excuses from him about why they are not paid. He has a parenting ...
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Now that you are in recovery, it’s time to start conditioning. During your drug using days, you didn’t take great care of yourself. The following tips will help you correct what that self-neglect caused in your body.
Get a Complete physical: The medical check you got when you entered rehab was not a complete physical. It just made sure you were healthy enough for the program. Make an appointment with your doctor and have a complete physical.
It is important ...
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There is a common misconception in the world that forcing a drug addict into treatment won’t do any good. This is not true. Many addicts have been pushed into rehab and come out clean and in recovery.
How You Can Force the Issue: No more home: Parents and spouses nationwide use their homes as leverage to get addicts into rehab. Lots of addicts will claim they would rather live in the street than go to rehab, but it isn’t always true. They make the claim ...
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Coming across signs of drug use in your kid's bedroom can be a heart-wrenching experience. Whether you already suspected or were taken by surprise, having concrete evidence removes all doubt that either your teen or his friends are using drugs. Here are some ideas for the next steps.
Inspect the room completely. Once you found some evidence, it is important to know exactly what you are dealing with. Check every drawer, under the dresser and bed, mattress, ...
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You tried the Al-Anon and Nar-Anon meetings, but you want to go somewhere else where everyone involved is the parent of a drug addict or alcoholic. Parents have a unique path to follow because it is their child at stake, and the parental instinct to save their child is overpowering.
You want to meet with others who know how you feel. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) might be exactly what you are looking for. PAL is often referred to as an alternative ...
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How old were you when you first started?
I started very young. When I was ten, both of my parents worked full-time so they told my 17-year-old brother to watch me after school and on the weekends while they worked. He and his friend would drink and smoke weed, so I just started taking sips along with them.
When did it become alcoholism?
I’m not sure exactly when that happened, but I do know that by the time I was a senior in high school I got the shakes ...
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What characterizes an addiction? Quite simply this: you no longer feel that you have the choice to stop.
—Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
Life is stressful. As a recovering addict, your brain is wired to turn to drugs or alcohol when stress levels increase. Though you will always be at risk for relapse, developing some new habits now will reduce your risk or relapse in the future. Here are some suggestions to prepare for those times when you might give ...
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A Medical Marijuana card is provided by the state and given to people so that they can legally use Marijuana for medical purposes. Not all states allow Medical Marijuana cards. The cards are regulated and there are rules that must be followed.
Who Gets Medical Marijuana Cards?
Each state determines which medical conditions will be included in the list of allowable health issues for a Medical Marijuana card. Approved conditions include:
Glaucoma Cancer ...
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Just when you thought the worst was behind you, suddenly you were hit with strong physical cravings for your drug of choice. This can be a scary and stress-provoking occurrence. Understand these sensations so you stay strong.
Typically cravings occur at some point before your 18th month of sobriety.
Research indicates it takes that long for your brain chemistry to heal following an addiction to drugs or alcohol, therefore “phantom craving” can occur ...
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You found suspicious looking pills or other possible drugs in your house or car. Will the police identify them for you? In many cities the answer is yes but the way you approach it can reduce potential problems.
Only an attorney should advise you about individual situations but the following tips can be helpful in deciding what to do.
Call and ask: Before walking into a police department possessing what might be illegal drugs, call and ask if they are ...
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